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Big Data Consultant: Architect, Data Engineer, Certified in Data Science

Communicating with an Agile Culture
Approache driven Use Cases and Data
Prepare the Data, create the Dashboards
Certifications in Data Science
Domains: Bank, Insurance
Driving License
Bordeaux (33000) France
Professional Status
Project initiator
Open to opportunities
  • Data Transformations on big volumes: Cleaning, Feature Engineering, make the data ready for statistical analysis and Machine Learning, in batch and real-time
  • Unstructured Data to Structured Data (e.g: XML and Logs transformations to columns formats)
  • Spark / Hadoop YARN (Dataframes, RDDs, Streaming) and Hadoop HDFS
  • Hadoop MapReduce/Tez with Hive & Pig
  • Ingestion: Kafka and RabbitMQ with Spark, Sqoop
  • Dashboards Banana (fork of Kibana) / Solr-Cloud
  • Dashboards Hue-Search / Solr-Cloud
  • Search Engine: Indexing the transformed and cleaned data with Solr-Cloud
  • Spark algorithms: Regression & Classification, Clustering and Recommendation
  • Using Spark ML with both Dataframes and RDDs
  • Scikit-Learn & Pandas
  • Turi (GraphLab Create)
  • Languages: Java EE, Python
  • IDEs: Eclipse, IntelliJ, Jupyter Notebook, Spark Notebook, Apache Zeppelin
  • Linux Command Line and Shell
  • Hadoop and its whole Ecosystem
  • Cloudera
  • Java Application Servers & RDBMS
  • Applicative & Physical architectures
  • French
  • English